Sun.Jun 23, 2024

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Labor swamped with 40 GW of wind and solar bids in first major tender

Renew Economy

Chris Bowen says more than 40 GW of wind and solar capacity registers for first CIS auction, enough to meet 2030 renewables target. The post Labor swamped with 40 GW of wind and solar bids in first major tender appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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Why US Towns are Changing Lanes from Electric to Hydrogen Buses

Hydrogen Fuel News

In the evolving landscape of public transportation, the shift from traditional diesel-powered buses to more sustainable alternatives is gaining momentum. While electric buses have been at the forefront of this transition, many US towns are now reconsidering their strategies and turning to hydrogen fuel cell buses. This shift is driven by various operational needs, environmental concerns, and technological advancements.

Hydrogen 138

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Nuclear lobby concedes rooftop solar will have to make way for reactors

Renew Economy

Nuclear lobby groups admit that rooftop solar will be a major casualty of the push for "always on" nuclear. Is the public happy to have their PV modules switched off? The post Nuclear lobby concedes rooftop solar will have to make way for reactors appeared first on RenewEconomy.

Policy 145
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Take an area of outstanding beauty, cover it in pylons and concrete: how can we allow that? | Fiona Gilmore

The Guardian: Energy

National Grid’s plan for the Suffolk coast is mirrored across the UK. We need an energy policy that protects our heritage Energy, and its future costs and security, is one of the main issues facing this country, yet it has drawn little attention or interrogation in the general election debate. Our local community faces devastation on a criminal scale, and that is sadly representative of similar cases across the UK.

Policy 106
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The Key to Sustainable Energy Optimization: A Data-Driven Approach for Manufacturing

Speaker: Kevin Kai Wong, President of Emergent Energy Solutions

In today's industrial landscape, the pursuit of sustainable energy optimization and decarbonization has become paramount. ♻️ Manufacturing corporations across the U.S. are facing the urgent need to align with decarbonization goals while enhancing efficiency and productivity. Unfortunately, the lack of comprehensive energy data poses a significant challenge for manufacturing managers striving to meet their targets. 📊 Join us for a practical webinar hosted by Kevin Kai Wong of Emergent Ene

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“Jam tomorrow:” Dutton’s confused nuclear plan won’t keep the lights on

Renew Economy

Energy analysts point out the Coalition's nuclear plans barely scratch the surface of the country's future energy needs. But try getting an answer from Ted O'Brien. The post “Jam tomorrow:” Dutton’s confused nuclear plan won’t keep the lights on appeared first on RenewEconomy.

Energy 137
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Major IT Platforms Want Power from Nuclear Plants, but They Don’t Want to Build Them

Energy Central

Anyone who thinks the big IT platforms like Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Amazon, among others, are going to do anything more than offer power purchase agreements for 24X7 365 reliable power from nuclear reactors is engaging in wishful thinking. This became clear during a panel discussion this past week (6/16) at the meeting of the American Nuclear Society held in Las Vegas, NV.


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SaskPower Signs on with Westinghouse, Cameco, for Nuclear Reactors and Fuel

Energy Central

SaskPower Signs on with Westinghouse, Cameco, for Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Terrestrial Energy Moves from Canada to the United States NRC Approves Proposed Rule on Physical Security Requirements for Advanced Reactors Korea Plans Small Modular Reactor Industrial Complex in Gyeongju Eletronuclear Looking to Move Ahead with Angra 3 SHINE Technologies & Zeno Power to Recycle.

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Kiwi solar developer lines up 220MW project in hot South Island location

Renew Economy

The Haldon Station site, on land blighted by erosion and pests, will be Lodestone Energy's largest solar project to date. The post Kiwi solar developer lines up 220MW project in hot South Island location appeared first on RenewEconomy.

Energy 132
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Australia politics live: ‘We’ve got sufficient gas’, Plibersek says as energy debate due to dominate parliament winter session

The Guardian: Energy

Debate over the Coalition’s announcement of its plan for nuclear power plant sites will heat up. Follow today’s news headlines live David Pocock also spoke to the ABC about his private members bill that would see housing treated as a human right. He said it was needed because: There’s no overarching national plan and this would legislate that these are the objectives, we want to see housing affordable, we want to reduce homelessness and then it would be up to the Government to actually work out

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Shape, shift, and shimmy: EVs and hot water can boost flexible demand, but need policy pathway

Renew Economy

Flexible demand can provide significant savings and grid benefits, but consumers are skeptical and policy makers have not provided clear pathway. The post Shape, shift, and shimmy: EVs and hot water can boost flexible demand, but need policy pathway appeared first on RenewEconomy.

Demand 106
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Electrofuels Are the Future: The Driving Force to Decarbonizing Heavy Transport

Speaker: Ayesha Choudhury - Senior Vice President, Head of Capital Markets at Infinium

With the first wave of the energy transition, renewable energy sources (such as solar and wind) have begun replacing coal power generation. However, some sectors are lagging behind and struggling to decarbonize more than others, including large-scale transportation like commercial aviation, shipping, and rail transit. Electrofuels (aka eFuels) are the next generation of solutions to help the hardest-to-abate sectors pivot from their reliance on fossil fuels.

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Mining’s push for gender diversity threatened by ‘Andrew Tate’ effect

Financial Times: Energy

Progress for women in a historically male sector is at risk from an anti-woke backlash, say leaders

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Manifesto Scorecard: Environmental groups slam Tories' green plans

Business Green

Analysis of 2024 General Election manifestos from Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth reveals the 'good, the bad and the ugly' contained in the main party's climate and nature pledges

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Regenerative dynamics – The future of sustainability?

Ideas 4 Sustainability

In a world grappling with environmental crises, regenerative dynamics offer a revolutionary approach. Unlike traditional sustainability, regenerative practices focus on positively impacting ecosystems. Urgent global issues like climate change and biodiversity loss necessitate a shift to regenerative approaches, including restorative agriculture, circular economy, ecosystem restoration, and social equity.

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Shocking Act of Vandalism Targets Tesla Cybertrucks Awaiting Delivery

Green Living Guy

A Setback Strikes the Cutting-Edge Cybertruck In a disheartening turn of events, Tesla’s highly anticipated Cybertruck faced an unexpected setback. The electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer temporarily halted deliveries due to a glitch with the windshield wiper motor. That’s leading to a buildup of undelivered Cybertruck across various locations in the United States.

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AR/VR Simulations for Sustainable, Regenerative, Circular Cities

Speaker: Nik Gowing, Brenda Laurel, Sheridan Tatsuno, Archie Kasnet, and Bruce Armstrong Taylor

With 191 country signatories to the Paris Climate Agreement now hard at work in the race to zero carbon by 2050, much of the heavy lifting in ecosystem sustainability falls on the shoulders of the world's densely populated urban centers. This conversation considers how today's AI-enabled simulation media, such as AR/VR, can be effectively applied to accelerate learning, understanding, training, and solutions-modeling to sustainability planning and design.

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Bulk of UK renewables projects fail to get beyond planning stage

Financial Times: Energy

Analysis shows challenges the country faces in hitting clean energy targets

Energy 104
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Australia needs large-scale energy production—three reasons why offshore wind is a good fit


On the weekend, an area 20km off the Illawarra coast south of Sydney became Australia's fourth offshore wind energy zone. It's the most controversial zone to date, with consultation attracting a record 14,211 submissions—of which 65% were opposed.

Energy 79
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Biden’s flagship hydrogen project faces growing opposition

Financial Times: Energy

Environmentalists and sceptical locals threaten key element of US plans for green energy

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South Australia | Green iron and steel strategy

Energy Central

South Australia | Green iron and steel strategy The steel industry worldwide is one of the biggest global carbon emitters. Decarbonising this industry will have a significant impact on international ambitions for tackling climate change. As the world decarbonises, green iron demand is forecast to surge. South Australia has a unique combination.

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How Digital Transformation will Bend the Curve of the Linear Economy Toward the Circular

Speaker: Bruce Armstrong Taylor, Co-Founder & Managing Director of SmartNations Foundation, Jimmy Jia, Venture Partner at Pi Labs, Fabienne Durand, Senior Advisor to the SmartNations Foundation, & Roger Strukhoff, Executive Director of the Tau Institute

The Climate 4.0 Economy. Climate change is here. We see it in many ways already. Weather catastrophes: Texas freezing over, the wildfires of California, the increasingly unpredictable violence and frequency of hurricanes, the rapid melting and disappearance of polar ice caps. Much more evidence all around us. What can we do in our corporate organizations, in our homes and communities, to change the current course?

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At least $10tn of insurance cover needed to reach net zero, report says

Financial Times: Energy

Industry facing ‘unprecedented structural pressures’ to provide cover across sectors

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TID Rollover Event | 5 months to go

Smart Energy International

Countdown to the TID Rollover Event: As of the 24 of June 2024, we have less than a year to go. Only 5 months left until the TID Rollover event on the 24th of November 2024. To all Utilities and Municipalities gearing up for this crucial project. Make sure you’re not left behind. The clock is ticking, the time is now. Visit our website for more information.

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Polish state energy group seeks to show political independence through media sale

Financial Times: Energy

Orlen’s acquisition of newspaper business under former rightwing government has drawn criticism

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Eco-Friendly Tech: How Digital Tools Are Helping Reduce Paper Waste

Green Living Guy

In the push toward sustainability, the reduction of paper waste stands out as a significant goal for both businesses and individuals. As we seek solutions, digital tools have emerged as powerful allies. These technologies not only streamline operations. In addition, it also contribute significantly to environmental conservation. Let’s find out how these cutting-edge innovations play a […] The post Eco-Friendly Tech: How Digital Tools Are Helping Reduce Paper Waste appeared first on green l

Waste 52
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Australia: Capacity Investment Scheme receives interest from 40GW of solar and wind energy

PV Tech

The first auction of Australia's Capacity Investment Scheme (CIS) has received interest from more than 40GW of solar and wind projects.

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David Beckham joins King Charles' Foundation as an ambassador for nature

Business Green

The former Real Madrid and Manchester United football star said he wanted to help young people gain a greater understanding of nature

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Abu Dhabi’s Masdar seeks European acquisitions

Financial Times: Energy

State-backed green energy group to ‘pump more capital’ into region after buying Greece’s biggest renewables company

Energy 56
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The Northwest Power and Conservation Council - Council Briefing: U.S. Government's New Operations Will Slightly Lower Hydro Production, Likely Won't Impact Grid Adequacy

Global Renewable News

By Peter JensenLast December, the U.S. government reached an agreement between the Nez Perce Tribe, Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation, the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs.

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Levelised cost of Hydrogen | Calculator Manual

Energy Central

Levelised cost of Hydrogen | Calculator Manual Finance for the Green Economy

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Innargi - The construction of the first geothermal heating plant in Aarhus has begun

Global Renewable News

At the geothermal site in Skejby, two geothermal wells have been completed. One well will be used to pump hot water to the surface, while the other will return the cooled water back into the res.

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Indonesia's energy transition riding on grid connectivity upgrade


The archipelago's ability to meet its 2060 net zero target hinges on linking farflung electricity networks. A connected grid will also enable regional power sharing, said experts at the Unlocking capital for sustainability event in Jakarta.

Energy 23
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U.S. Bureau of Land Management - BLM seeks comments for October geothermal lease sale across Nevada

Global Renewable News

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is seeking public comments on four environmental assessments for 70 parcels totaling more than 234,300 acres across Nevada that have been nominated for a prop.

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What climate-vulnerable developing countries need right now


International financial flows and mechanisms must be improved to support instead of burden climate adaptation and energy transition efforts of the world's most vulnerable countries.

Energy 19
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European Investment Bank - Spain: EIB Group and BBVA unlock 800 million to support energy transition and small and medium-sized enterprises

Global Renewable News

Highlights The EIB Group has invested 377 million in a BBVA asset-backed securitisation operation. The agreement will enable BBVA to unlock 800 million to finance energy efficiency proje.

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How to cut emissions from ‘big sport’?


With the 2024 Euros and Paris Olympics vowing to be greener, Dialogue Earth explores the challenges of cutting emissions from major sporting events.